Sunday, January 23, 2011

Paid a visit!

It was a great day after all. And YES I did see the lolita shop MFashion! You can't imagine how excited I was to go there. My whole journey there was a big nervous adventure. I had no idea what to expect. For all the lolita clothes I have ever seen where on the internet. So it was such an auwsome experience to actually hold these cute dresses in my hands.
When I saw the shop from a distance already I started to feel the butterflies banging against throat. I felt like shouting and cheering at the sight of it. In the window was a beautiful pink dress with bows, and a creme coloured coat with heart shaped pockets and a stoler attached.
When I finally ventured inside I beheld a tiny shop. I had not expected it to be so small. But that didn't mean that it was empty. No it was full, literally stuffed with pretty pink things. I made sure to look at least at every section of the shop. If I had money comming out of my ears I would have bought something, but sadly it was very expensive. They even had the original Japanese price tags on the items:P
I took two flyers with me
from the shop that the lady, working there, handed me and left. And of course made a memorial picture that I can show here in my blog:)

I've written eveything down that I will be ordering online and I'm very excited to have them in my own hands.

Toodles for now ^^

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lolita Shop!

I am so excited right now!
Today I will be visiting a lolita fashion shop:)
I've never seen these cute dresses in real life before, and to have them at hands reach would just be too amazing!
As far as I know there is only one of these kind of shops in the Netherlands. Except the shop from my mum which will be selling them too shortly:P ( due to my helping hand:P).

I just can't wait:) It's in Utrecht which is about an hour from where I life, so first some train traveling together with my bf.

For more info please check the link to the shop's website below:

Toodles xx^^

Mood: Excited I can't sleep anymore:)
Place: My room quater to ten in the morning.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Today I had a good day!

I have to admit after getting out of bed on the wrong foot, this morning, my day was very much satisfying.
I didn't really want to go to work this morning, and did end up going knowing it was the right thing to do.
I travel by train every morning, which I dislike at times, due to it being overally busy. I can't stand the people standing so close to me. Plus they make sure to pusha nd run into the overaly crowded train trying to have s seat, when they actually already know they won't be able to purchase.
Well this morning I was too busy to even notice this, because I was so busy reading my book "Brisinger" from the Eragon series. Sadly I've finished reading it today :'( They're such auwsome books, by the way! I really do recommend. See attched for some more pics^^.

Try as I might this whole lolita thing was racing through my head. I want to know everything I can about this new found culture so that I can adapt it to my own life.
But I got to admit this is going to be a toughy. It's quite hard to work into everyday working life and at home I don't really have much of a day over. Well hopefully with the job ending soon, I will.
I've found such great websites, that I will be ordering such cute clothing and accessories from and I can't wait! It makes me all excited. I love being a girl, it just has so many advantages.

I'm following a really cool girl's blog on lolita and I have to say I'm pleased to have found her, she's so inspiring.
See link below for more info^^:


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lolita is the word!

So I've finally decided on one thing and to try to keep it. I have to admit I've got a good feeling about this. Which is a different feeling than I usualy have about these kind of things. It's going to be lolita from now on. I'll be keeping track of my lolita ettiquette here as well as noting down my progress and ventures in this new world full of frills, and sweet pink things. I woke up quite happy today so thats already a great start!:) Music:Nana -Lucy Mood:Happy and hungry Place:My room